Initial Idea 2

Game Development

Video games are created by game developers from concepts, stories, and designs. They give characters life and simulate plots and storylines using a variety of programming languages, specialised software programmes, and a number of test runs to create an engaging and user-friendly electronic gaming experience.

Key skills for video game developers

·        -Creativity

·        -A passion for video games

·        -Wide-ranging knowledge of gaming trends

·        -Strong analytical frame of mind

·        -Ability to work as part of a team

·        -Proficiency in programming languages, such as C# and C++

Video game developer: Job description (2023) targetjobs. Available at: (Accessed: 09 May 2023).

Burns, C. (no date) Game developer job description template, Comeet. Available at: (Accessed: 09 May 2023).

